It is for us a proud to announce our selection in the Business Factory Aero, in which we were selected and awarded among more than 50 more projects throughout Spain. After the preliminary phases where from those 50 were chosen 16, finally only 6 were selected by the Jury Commission, 3 for incubation and the other 3 projects for acceleration programs.
Business Factory Aero is an initiative driven by Regional Government, Indra, Babcock, CTAG and CEL Foundation. The main aim is to help and boost innovative projects on the aeronautical spanish sector, in particular on unmanned aviation. This will be made through 2 programs incubation and acceleration of the companies selected.
From UAV Works we introduced as project to be selected our VALAQ, efficient VTOL airplane, convinced to be well valuated in an purely aeronautical environment, key aspect since our technology its attributes are difficult to be understood by non aeronautical experts. This is the reason why we were so motivated and optimistic to be finally selected. For us, the fact that huge companies such as Indra or Babcock are involved as possible partners, will add a fantastic value to our growing future.
From now we will be able to accelerate our production processes establishment in order to satisfy our product demand generated during the last months.